Friday, May 21, 2010

What little respect I had for Democrats in Congress went down the drain yesterday.

When Mexico's President criticized Arizona's immigration law the Democrats in Congress gave him a standing ovation.

Seventy per cent of the people in Arizona and the same number of people nation wide agree with this new law.

The Democrats do not care what the people of this nation want.

I am fed up with this CRAP! There. I said it.

I'm just one person but I'm going to do everything in my power to see that this bunch of clowns are turned out of office and sent home.


SmilingSally said...

I'm voting to send them all on a nice, long vacation!

Heart2Heart said...


AMEN! I too am willing to stop being such a passive Christian in taking all the stuff I get on Sunday services and start put it to work for me in the field. I think it's high time for a revival in America and I personally am sick of the "change" that has taken place recently while we sit back and wait until 2012.

Love and Hugs ~ Kat

Karen said...

Ha! Love the illustrations....

Mevely317 said...

Bravo and Amen! I, too, love your illustrations, Clif! :)