Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Reimagining The Way You Relate To God
By Skye Jethan

 Skye Jethani has written a  book that  will help you stop living your life under, over, from and for God and start living in communion with Him.

Skye Jethani is the managing editor of Leadership Journal, a publication of Christianity Today International. Skye also contributes regularly to Catalyst Leadership, Relevant, and The Huffington Post. Skye's blog, SKYEBOX, was awarded second prize for the best Christian blog by the Evangelical Press Association.

Skye has been featured in newspapers around the country and is a frequent speaker at ministry conferences such as Catalyst, Q, and Moody Pastor's Conference.

Skye earned a Masters of Divinity degree in 200l from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Deerfield, Illinois. He and his wife, Amanda, currently live in Wheaton, Illinois, with their three children Zoe, Isaac, and Lucy.

Jim Belcher, author of Deep Church said, "Cleverly using four prepositions--under, over, from, and for--Skye Jethani convincingly diagnoses the reigning paradigms of life, whether secular or religious, and shows how each one has captured some element of truth but is in the end deficient. With
lays out what it really means to know and experience communion with God."

The most impressive quote I have read about this book and one that I completely agree with was  written by Scot McKnight. He wrote: "This book will do for our generation what J. B. Phillips, in his classic Your God Is Too Small, did for his. With reveals views of God that can't satisfy and opens up the possibility for exploring a life with God that more than satisfies."

This book has blessed my life. However, I did not just race through it. I found myself returning again and again to reread many passages. I could not with one reading retain in my mind what Jethani meant by living life under, over, from and for God. When I finally did get that I was able to go on and understand clearly his meaning of living with God. That doesn't mean that I find living with God easy--not at all. I now understand it. I just need to learn to do it!

This is a challenging book and one that I believe every Christian will benefit from reading. It will help you see yourself and others differently. I also recommend it to those who haven't had a relationship with God but who want to. 

(I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishing for this review.)