Thursday, July 16, 2009

In this splendid book, Nancy Guthrie gently invites readers to come along with her to hear Jesus speak understanding and insight into the lingering questions we all have about the hurts of life. According to Nancy, pursuing answers to our questions can either take us far from God or cause us to press into him more deeply. It is as we hear Jesus speak into our confusion that we come to clarity about the promises of the gospel we may have misapplied and the purposes of God we may have misunderstood.
Ten years after burying a daughter and then a son and writing Holding On to Hope, a book that has been published in eight languages and has helped thousands of people around the world make sense of their suffering, Nancy Guthrie brings the additional perspective of years and further scriptural study to the issues we all struggle with when life hurts.
Hank Hanegraaff, said, "She does not offer up a panacea but the peace that comes from hearing Jesus speak into our sorrows." Kay Arthur wrote, "The Word of God has the answers, and that is exactly where Nancy Guthrie, a woman acquainted with sorrow, takes us. " And I say again, this is the best book on sorrow I have read in many years and I have read many books on this subject. I will not be giving my copy away. But I will buy copies to give to those struggling with unanswered questions about suffering.
I'm a Pastor's wife on a small island and I will look for this book next time we can get to a bookstore. Thank you for recommending it.
Cliff, My computer crashed and I lost all my emails and blog URL's.
We have taken it to two repair shops and now Alan is trying to fix it.
Thank you for the book you are sending to Alan. I am sure that he will appreciate it. Alan is going through a series of tests at the moment. He is losing blood so they are trying to find where he is losing it. It seems like we have been going through a series of testings recently. When we joined this church, we jumped in and helped out as best we could. God is really blessing our church.
Our recent health issues have been a hindrance in a way, but in another way, God is being glorified.
Thank you again for the book. We will be watching for it to come.
Clif—I'm so grateful to know you have found my new book so meaningful and helpful. Thanks for sharing that with the folks who read your blog.
WOW! What a terrific review.
I did not intend for you to redo your entire blog; in fact, I was not thinking of blog advertising at all! LOL
When you commented on my blog about the words in this book it brought me to tears! It was late when I read that comment but the first thing I did the next morning was to download this on my new Kindle and cannot wait to begin this book! I can feel the annointing already! Thankyou for who you are to me ~ your prayers, your friendship. My whole family wants to meet you and give you a huge hug!! ....ONE DAY here or in heaven, we all know it will happen :)
Blessings to you and thankyou for this review and your prayers!
Sounds like a wonderful book.
I will be purchasing this book and adding it to our resource room. After reading the passage Charlotte quoted from and your review, I know I will walk in agreement with Nancy.
Thank you for this post.
Hi Clif,
I'm an AZ blogger and recently met your wife, Charlotte. She is lovely and I was so glad I got to sit next to her at the luncheon. I didn't know that her husband blogged until someone brought it up. I figured I better check out your blog too. You should have come to our AZ blogger lunch; next time OK? This book sounds very good. It seems people are suffering more and more lately in different ways.
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