Children are murdering each other at school; children are murdering their parents and committing suicide in record numbers.
Who cares?
Robby Dixon cares. Dixon, author of Reclaiming Our Children: Exposing the Nets That Snare Them, spent nearly eleven years studying the intricacies of the Federal Prison System, uncovering the distinction between the true criminal element and the victims of negative influences, who might otherwise have made better choices.
Robby G. Dixon cares. I care. And if you do not already care, you will once you read this informative and touching book.
Dixon offers no apologies for writing from a Christian perspective. God is at the center of his life and he believes that parents must teach children about a God who created them and loves them. He believes that it is from the home and parents that children learn their self-worth.
It is impossible to ignore the increase in troubled behavior among our nation’s youth. And young people are paying the price with incarceration. Dixon dissects the societal reasons for this distressing behavior. He provides viable, preventative methods to empower parents, children and young adults to avoid the traps that often lead to crime.He educates and informs, leaving the reader with a set of tools to keep young people on the right track. In my opinion, one of the most important things he gives is a sense of hope that young people can get on the right track and stay there.
This small (125 pages) but powerful book may be purchased from Robby G. Dixon at
I totally agree: parents must point to God. Instead people demand that teachers DO something.
Hi Clif,
Just stopping by to wish you and Charlotte a very Happy Easter!
We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.
If God is for us, who can be against us?
Our nation needs to get back to God. Because we have pushed God out these awful things are happening and our children pay the highest price.
I must read this book! I am 10-year educator-turned stay-at-home mommy. I have seen so much hurt and sadness in the lives of children. I have read journal entries providing me with insight as to why Johnny can't read, multiply, or SLEEP at night. I finally decided that as positive a role as I was playing in the classroom, my more pivotal role was staying at home and raising our children and protecting their childhood innocence.
Sally is right, many in the public do demand that teachers "do" something, and while we are with their children 8+ hours of the day, parents are their children's FIRST and FOREMOST teachers!
Blessings to you, Clif,
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