Tuesday, November 09, 2021
Build Your Faith With The Prayers That Shaped History
OVERVIEW: 100 Prayers Every Christian Should know offers a glimpse at some of history's most inspired words of prayer. The book will walk you through the words of centuries' worth of the "great cloud of witnesses," whose offerings of praise and petitions still ring with importance even now. Each prayer is accompanied by a glimpse at the compelling life of each woman or man who prayed it, as well as a motivating devotional thought to show how the words of yesterday can shape and mold us today. The prayers cover everything from words for daily faithfulness to offerings of confession, hymns of praise and prayers to help guide you through life's darkest days. 100 Prayers Every Christian Should know reinforces trust in a timeless God whom believers have been humbled to pray to centuries ago, today, and into the future. (Edited from the back of the book.)
MY REVIEW: This is not just a book about prayer. It is a book of prayers. Prayers by others. Prayers from their hearts. We can learn a lot by reading and meditating on these prayers. We are busy people. But none of us is too busy for things that we regard as priorities. If we are not careful we will find ourselves too busy for prayer. We must make it a priority!
When a doctoral student at Princeton asked, "What is there left in the world for original dissertation research?" Albert Einstein replied, "Find out about prayer. Somebody must find out about prayer." These 100 people found out something important about prayer. It was a major part of their lives. It was as important as their heart beat. You sense this and "feel" it when you read their prayers.
100 Prayers Every Christian Should Know contains prayers by Fanny Crosby, William Wilberforce, Martin Luther, John Knox, St. Augustine, Fred Rogers, John Wesley, Abraham Lincoln, John Calvin,
Ronald Reagan and others. Some you will know. Others you may never have heard of before. But all of the prayers are offered to the God you love and pray to.
I like the words of hymn writer James Montgomery and close with them:
O Thou by whom we come to God
The life, the truth, the way,
The path of prayer Thyself hast trod:
Lord, teach us how to pray.
(I received this book from Bethany House a division of Baker Publishing Group for a fair and honest review.)
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