Monday, March 26, 2012

It is hard—and becoming harder to be known as a Christian.

In his new book UNASHAMED TO BEAR HIS NAME R. T. Kendall writes about embracing the stigma of being a Christian.

He says that instead of feeling embarrassment and rejection, Christians should turn those feelings into sources of unimaginable blessing. He offers the encouragement and guidance we need to embrace our faith fully—and the stigma that comes with it.

He believes that when we do this the Lord will unleash incalculable blessing into our lives.

Dr. James Dobson, founder of Focus on the Family, said, "Dr. R.T. Kendall's insightful teaching and writings have had a significant impact on my own thinking. I respect Dr. Kendall greatly and am honored to call him my friend."

Colin Dye, senior minister at Kensington Temple in London, England wrote, "Sobering words you will thank God for."

Dr. R.T. Kendall is a graduate of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and Oxford University (D.Phil.). He is a protege of Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones. He was the senior minister of the historic Westminster chapel in London for 25 years. He is the author of numerous bestselling books and conducts conferences all over the world.

I have read several of Dr. Kendall's books and they have all been good. This may be his most important book. If Dr. Kendall is like most of us—and I think he is, he wants to be liked. It must have been difficult for him to write this book knowing that many will not like it. I like it. In fact, I like it a lot! But there are a few things  I do not agree with and others that I am still struggling with understanding. But the thing I appreciate is that Dr. Kendall wrote from his heart and his understanding of the truth knowing all the time that some of his dearest friends would not agree with him. However, he continued to write because he believes this is what God wants him to do.

He wrote: "I write this book basically for one reason: that you will be unashamed to accept the scandal that arises from following Jesus Christ. More than that, you should become willing to embrace that scandal, to take it with both hands and rejoice in the privilege that you are a part of the greatest enterprise on the planet—namely, to be associated with the name of Jesus Christ."

Think about this quote from James Runcie, son of the former Archbishop of Canterbury, "One of my friends said that about the most socially embarrassing thing you can be in contemporary Britain is a born-again Christian." It seems to me this may also be true in America.

Get the book. Get some extra copies for your friends. Don't be ashamed of Christ!

"I am the way and the truth and the life.
No one comes to the Father except through me."
John 14:6 

(I received this book free from Chosen—A division of Baker Publishing Group. No other compensation was received and I gave no guarantee for a favorable review.)


Sharon Wilfong said...

Hi. Glad I found your blog. I'm your 100th follower. I've also written a review for this book. I also really enjoyed this book-found it very encouraging. We need to proudly bear Christ's stigma.
You can see it in a week at my blog: http://sharonhenning.blogspot.com
I'll add your link so people can read your review as well. Take care and God bless.