Tuesday, October 27, 2009
By Randall Arthur
Wisdom Hunter will grab your attention immediately and hold you captive until the last page is turned. This is one of the most significant books I have read recently. I agree with Wayne Jacobsen, publisher of The Shack who said, "Finally someone who understands that most religious trappings do not enhance faith but actually undermine it!"
This books asks the question, "What does it take to soften a heart so entrenched in law that it never truly loves?" The main character of the book is Pastor Jason Faircloth a man who knows what he believes. He relies on his faith to discipline his daughter, his wife, his church. He prays daily that others would come to see God's ways as he does. And it will cost him everything he has.
A fast-paced suspense novel rich in spiritual depth, Wisdom Hunter explores what it means to break free of Christian legalism and discover how grace can make the difference between life and death.
I recommend this excellent book with great enthusiasm. I look forward to reading another dramatic story by Arthur, Jordan's Crossing. This second novel offers a powerful message about the dangers of liberalism in the church, the perfect follow-up to Wisdom Hunter.

By Grant R. Jeffrey
In Shadow Government Grant R. Jeffrey writes, "Without your knowledge or consent, every aspect of your life is observed and recorded. But who is watching the watchers?"
"The high-tech surveillance trap has been set. Security cameras, surveillance of your financial transactions, radio frequency spy chips hidden in consumer products, tracking of your internet searches, and eavesdropping on your e-mail and phone calls."
Jeffrey believes that Satan is working toward global conquest and he identifies the tools of technology that he says the Antichrist will use to rule the world. He writes, "An ultra-secret global elite, functioning as a very real shadow governments, controls technology, finance, international law, world trade, political power, and vast military capabilities. Those who hold power are invisible to all but a few insiders. These unrivaled leaders asnwer to no earthly authority, and they won't stop until they control the world."
Grant R. Jeffrey is an internationally known prophecy expert. He has a popular television program, Bible Prophecy Revealed which airs weekly on TBN. He earned his masters and doctorate degrees from Louisiana Baptist University.
I found this book interesting and thought provoking. I have read much about prophecy but I still know very little about it. All I know about what Jeffrey calls the "secret global elite" and their methods of surveillance is what I read in this book. Therefore, I am not in a position to recommend this book beyond the fact that it is interesting to read. I suggest you check it out to see if it is something you might profit from.
You may purchase these books at http://www.randomhouse.com/
These two books were provided for review by Random House Publishers.
Interesting review on both of these books. I like the latter one since it pulls my interest in that direction. Ever since I became a Christian, I have always had a strong desire to learn more about Bible prophecy and end times revelation. Will have to check this one out definitely.
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
Thanks for the reviews. The first one appeals to me very much as I seek to grow in how to relate my faith. His follow-up one sounds like a great and timely one too.
Neither of these books are my idea of pleasure reading, but thank you for the reviews.
I hope that the next few days are happy ones.
That last book looks very interesting, but thank heavens, if we are children of God, when the anti-christ is revealed, we will be gone. So I guess I will not need to read this one. =)
Hi Cliff,
Thank you for sharing these two reviews. I am a little familiar with Grant Jeffrey, and all reports have been favorable.
Now commenting on your last post, may i wish your daughter, Carol a belated but happy birthday wish. She is beautiful, and i know you and Charlotte are so very proud of her. I am so happy for you and Charlotte that both of your children live nearby.
Thank you for taking the time to visit and comment.
When we did a bible study on Revelation, a few years ago, I became very interested in prophecy. Dr. David Jeremiah is doing a weekly TV series on prophecy. I think both of the books you have reviewed would appeal to me! Thanks!
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