Tuesday, August 04, 2020

Why Am I Not Healed?

(When God Promised)
By Glen Berteau

OVERVIEW: When it comes to answering the question of why people are not healed, Glen Berteau has written an incredible book that thoroughly unpacks the subject of healing. He delves into all aspects of healing—spiritual, emotional and physical. He also explains many reasons healing can be hindered and provides solutions to overcome them. (Taken from the foreword)

AUTHOR: Glen Berteau is an evangelist, teacher, author and senior pastor of The House Modesto, which has more than 11,000 members and was highlighted by Outreach magazine as the second-fastest-growing church in America. Glen and his wife, Deborah, have three children and seven grandchildren and live in Modesto, California. Learn more at www.glenberteau.com.

MY REVIEW: Why am I not healed is a question asked by many. Usually by Christians who are familiar with the Bible. Believing the Scriptures to teach that God has promised to heal, they wonder why He doesn't do it? Or why doesn't He do it for them. Or why not now.

Glen Berteau believes that God still does miracles. He shares a powerful story of how God resurrected him miraculously. Now, you may or may not believe his story. But if you are interested in the subject of healing you owe it to yourself to give this book serious consideration. It is filled with Scriptures indicating God's mind on the subject, and testimonies of those who testify to being healed. Berteau offers every believer a compelling and insightful look into the roadblocks to healing.

Of the thirteen informative chapters I found the following to be the most interesting and challenging: Is Healing God's Will?, Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People?, Am I Worthy of Being Healed?, Do Miracles Still Happen?, Seventeen Hindrances to Your Healing.

An Afterword: My Resurrection story, is Berteau's account of his death and resurrection. Others, who were there at the time, also share their feeling about it. This is the most difficult part of the book for me. However, I do not quarrel with others experiences. I encourage you to investigate this for yourself. I promise you that you will not be bored and hopefully you will be blessed.

(I received this book from Chosen, a division of Baker Publishing Group)


Friday, March 20, 2020

The Secret to Experiencing the Joy of God's Presence
By Mike Novotny

OVERVIEW: This book will help you shake off the guilt and shame of sin and see yourself as God sees you. GOD IS HERE. That tiny little sentence can change everything. Truly understanding God's presence is the key to more happiness, less boredom, more rest, less rush, more love, less drama, more peace, less fear. Find the joy he has been waiting to give you as you discover how three little words can revolutionize your relationship with God.

AUTHOR: Mike Novotny is a copastor at The CORE, is the lead speaker for the media ministry Time of Grace, and serves as the chairman of Conquerors Through Christ. Mike lives with his wife and children in Appleton, Wisconsin.

MY REVIEW: 3 Words That Will Change Your Life arrived on my desk at just the right time. I was just starting to read this splendid book when the Coronavirus arrived full force. If I ever needed anything to help me feel the joy of God's presence—it was then and now.

This is not one of those self-help books that promises more than it can deliver. This powerful little book will help you realize that God is here—really here! He is presence. So whatever you are going through, whatever you have lost, God is right here with you.

3 Words That Will Change Your Life is filled with Scripture. Scriptures that you already know but probably need to be reminded of. Scriptures that will open your eyes to what it means to have God Here. Right here. Right where we are. All of the time. He never leaves us.

I don't need to tell you—these are troubling times. We need to know that God is here and we need to share this good word with others. Get this book.

(I received this book from Bethany House a division of Baker Publishing Group for a fair and honest review.)


Thursday, January 30, 2020

Practical Tools To Help You Deal With Life's Challenges
By Jean Holthaus

OVERVIEW: Integrating both the psychological and spiritual aspects of anxiety, therapist Jean Holthaus offers this research-driven and faith-informed approach to understanding why we experience anxiety and shows us how to more effectively manage it by developing three essential skills: Living in the Present Moment. Suspending Judgment. Believing Yourself to Be Competent and Equipped by God. Our world is never going to be a completely safe and understandable place. In the midst of this, our hearts and minds can still experience greater and lasting peace. The practical tools Holthaus offers help us get there. (From the back of the book)

AUTHOR: JEAN HOLTHAUS has more than twenty-five years of experience providing therapy. She currently works as a clinician and manages two clinics for Pine Rest Christian Mental Health Services. Her professional experience includes working with individuals, couples, and families dealing with abuse, anxiety, depression, marital issues, divorce, spiritual issues, changes of life, parenting, and more. A member of the National Association of Social Workers and the American Association fo Christian Counselors, Jean lives in Iowa.

MY REVIEW: You need to read this book! Managing Worry And Anxiety offers practical tools to help you deal with life's challenges. We all have them. Challenges. They are everywhere. We worry about our families, our jobs, our finances, our security. We are anxious about many things.

I was a Senior Minister for forty-seven years. I counseled others about how to have peace in their lives, worry less and live with more joy. And yet, I was bothered by the same things they were. As the years have passed and I have spent more time in the Scriptures and prayer. I experience greater peace and have more joy in my life. I wish I had read Jean's book when I was young. Now that I am old I don't need it as much.

This excellent book has eleven helpful chapters. The one I found most helpful was chapter eight—Living in the Present Moment. I recommend this book to you and your friends who may need it.

(I received this book from Revell, A Division of Baker Publishing Group for a fair and honest review.)