Sunday, February 24, 2013
Have you seen the Jack In The Box commercial where Jack's cook makes a pancake of Jack's face and then takes a bite out of it? Jack fires him. Later the cook is sitting at a bus stop telling a woman about being fired and why. She says in a loud, shrill voice, "YOU ATE HIS FACE???!I felt like that lady when I heard that my "old" church had sold their beautiful piano.
And this from a man who for many, many years never worshipped with instrumental music.
HOMECOMING, Sunday, October 16, l994 was a great day at Lincoln Heights Christian Church!
Leading up to HOMECOMING we had a Bible School attendance drive and reached 254.
We were "on a roll." We were excited. We couldn't wait for HOMECOMING SUNDAY.
We were not disappointed. It was wonderful in every way.
One of the highlights of the day, next to the worship and fellowship, was a drama presentation directed by Bob Bradford.
The title of the drama was: THE PIANO---WHERE IS IT?
It was a rollicking, rib tickling, tale that few would dare tell. It was all about us and our sometimes strange and funny ways.
It seems that in the past somebody had taken it upon themselves to move the piano from its customary place in the sanctuary. It was upsetting to some. They didn't even notice it at first but when they did, they wanted it moved back. But the big problem was---they couldn't remember where "back" was!
Lincoln Heights Christian Church is the old First Church of Christ that was one of the earliest churches started in down town Phoenix. They have always had a piano and up until a few weeks ago had a beautiful grand piano.
I'm glad I received the news before visiting Lincoln Heights again.
Walking in I would have been heard to exclaim, "THE PIANO--WHERE IS IT?"