Saturday, January 21, 2017
How Building A Great Relationship
With Yourself Is The Key To A
Happy, Successful Life
By Van Moody
OVERVIEW: Weaving together personal stories, practical principles, and profound biblical truth, The i-Factor provides the key to achieving the life of greatness that you are destined for.
AUTHOR: VAN MOODY serves as pastor of the Worship Center in Birmingham, Alabama. In addition, he is on the board of Joel Osteen's Champions Network, is a member of Dr. Oz's Core Team, and is an associate trainer in Japan for Dr. John Maxell's EQUIP leadership organization. Moody, his wife, Ty, and their children live in Birmingham, Alabama.
MY REVIEW: The i-Factor is one of the best books I have read in a long time and I read and review many books. Van Moody writes in an interesting, inspiring way but I think the thing I liked most about the book is that it is packed full of wonderful stories. I would read one and think, "Wow." And then almost immediately I was reading another great uplifting story.
Dr. Levy H. Knox said, "A magnificent book! Apply its timely principles for personal and spiritual success. Your life will change." I agree. It is a magnificent book. I don't know if your life will change. But I think it should. Dr. Nicole LaBeach wrote, "A gift that needs no ribbon, just a reader who's ready to make the shift of a lifetime!"
This book is a guide for understanding yourself and Moody points out over and over again that we must understand ourselves if we are going to live our best life. It is a practical tool for helping us to live life the way God intended.
(I received this book from BookLookBloggers in exchange for a fair and honest review.)