Wednesday, February 20, 2019
DECODING YOUR DREAMSWhat the Lord May Be Saying to You
While You Sleep
By Jennifer LeClaire
OVERVIEW: In Decoding Your Dreams, Jennifer LeClaire demonstrates how God does indeed speak through dreams and why it is so important to understand what He's saying. Jennifer begins with biblical stories of mothers and fathers of the faith who experienced God through dreams at some of the most critical junctures of their lives. Jennifer is convinced God is still doing the same today, if we will only listen. Decoding Your Dreams teaches how to recognize the way God speaks through dreams by *showing how heroes of the Bible acknowledged dreams, *revealing the true source of dreams, *explaining dream classifications, and *pointing to scriptural and cultural dream codes.
(Taken from the back of the book.)
AUTHOR: Jennifer LeClaire is an internationally recognized conference speaker and prophetic voice. She is the senior leader of several prayer networks, including Awakening House of Prayer. Jennifer is a former editor of Charisma magazine and has authored more than twenty-five books, including Mornings with the Holy Spirit. She lives in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, and is active online at
MY REVIEW: Let me begin by saying Decoding Your Dreams is well written and easy to read. Jennifer LeClaire knows a lot about dreams and what she thinks they mean. I wanted to read and review this book because I do not know anything about how to interpret dreams. I would love to know more and I was hoping this book would help. It didn't. I'm sorry to say that. I like to give positive book reviews and most of the time I am happy to say that I can and do. I did enjoy this book and I think others will also. And others may gain a better understanding of how to interpret dreams by reading this book. More so than I did.
The part of the book I found most useful was: Conclusion: 20 Answers to Questions Every Dreamer Wants to Know. I think most readers will find this part of the book interesting because most of us have these same questions. I'm not going to tell you that LeClaire does a great and satisfying job of answering these questions. I simply don't know. I will keep this book on hand and I am sure I will refer to it again when puzzled by a dream.
So, if you like me, would like to know what the Lord may be saying to you while you sleep, you may want to check out Decoding Your Dreams. Just because I'm still "in a fog" on this subject it doesn't mean you will be. This book may be a great blessing for you.
(I received this book from Book Look Bloggers for a fair and honest review.)