Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Dead in the desert! A few weeks ago it looked hopeless. Almost all of our trees, bushes, and plants looked dead. “Dead as a door nail.” Brown, ugly, wrinkled, drooping—they looked a lot like me.

It’s still a few days until spring but I’m seeing a few green buds and green sprigs sticking up here and there in with all the brown. THERE’S HOPE!

The “garden guy” said “wait until the middle of the month to start pruning.” What does he know? It will be 81 today and it’s not dropping below 50 at night—so I pruned today.
I took my trusty old pruning shears and saw and went to work. I only worked on one small section of the yard, but it looks 100% better. Make that 90%.

Life is kind of like those plants and trees. There are times when everything looks hopeless but just like the budding trees of spring; we begin to “bloom” again. HOPE—WE CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT IT!