Guest Blogger

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Guest Blogger: Charlotte

Clif came into the family room as I was viewing one of my latest DVD creations. (He mentioned I was into making DVDs in one of his recent blogs.) I mentioned to him how amazing it was that some of the pictures I was watching were small 3 x 3 inch black and white snapshots taken back in 1953 at Rocky Mountain National Park when I was just 16 years old. It never would have even entered my mind that 54 years later I would be looking at those pictures on a big screen TV with beautiful music. Back then my family had never even owned a TV and the only ones out there were very small black and white models. Amazing! He said I should write a blog about it so I decided I would, and here it is. I've included one of those pictures.


Anonymous said...

You are just as lovely now as you were at 16 y/o. Thanks for sharing the picture. Isn't modern technology awesome?

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