Thursday, July 05, 2007
John Allen Hudson had the best vocabulary of any man I have ever known. He had been a well known preacher for many years but was retired by the time I met him. He was a member of the church where I did my first full-time preaching. On the rare occasions when he would fill the pulpit he used words I had never heard. One Sunday he used a word I did know—pussyfooting. That word got him into trouble with an elderly, dignified lady who thought the word was beneath him. The word didn’t bother me. I was happy to hear a word I understood.
I don’t want to be considered undignified but pussyfooting is a word I want to apply to our President. I do so because I want to be understood and I think most common people know the meaning of this unsophisticated word.
President Bush needs to stop pussyfooting around about everything. He needs to go before the people of the United States everyday and in many places, and tell them the truth. He needs to say, “We are going to fight this war until we win whether you like it or not, we are closing the borders tomorrow to illegal immigration, we are not going to be politically correct on everything—just correct. We are going to apply common sense to everything we do. We are no longer going to allow Christians to be pushed around and we are going to check out everybody that may be a terrorist, especially Muslems. We are no longer going to spend money on stupid things regardless of who may want it. We are going to call an ace and ace and a spade a spade. There will be no more pussyfooting around.”
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