Keep On Dancin’ #7

Monday, May 19, 2008

You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you. Isaiah 26:3

You are “hooked” when your emotions dominate and you’re more concerned about your feelings than you are about the problem involving the feelings.

When you are emotionally hooked, you imprison yourself within a very narrow view of the problem. When you find yourself emotionally hooked, first focus on God and His perspective on the problem and the try to find out what the problem really is. Go for a walk, get some exercise, back away from the problem until you can see it from a more detached point of view. I’ve found that it helps to focus on a favorite Bible passage such as the one above.

“Unhook me” Lord, as I focus my mind on You and not on my problems.

Taken from Tim Hansel’s book
Keep On Dancin’ Daily readings