Monday, December 22, 2008

Edward Fudge sends out an e-mail that I receive on a regular basis. I found the following simple yet profound words in his last mailing. Please read them, meditate on them and think about living them out in your life.

"Live simply, love generously,
care deeply, speak kindly, and
leave the rest to God."


Carrie said...

This is great advice.

Thanks for your comment on my blog. I had put a link to Spiritual Sundays and added it right away, before visiting the other posts.
I'll try to get a post done for the Carola Nativity Gallery blog.

Carrie said...

Here is link to my post on the nativity blog:

Jamie {See Jamie blog} said...

My cousin has that at the bottom of her emails. I love it.

Down on the Farm said...

That comment makes me thing of one attributed to Jake Hess.

"Things will either get better or get worse and there is nothing we can do about it so we might as well leave it in His hands"

That may be a bit loosely requoted.