Tuesday, June 02, 2009

I have gone to Las Vegas for many different reasons.

I spent a week there once preaching in an evangelistic meeting. There are many great Christians there and many churches--large and small.

Over the years I have stayed there in some of the best resort hotels in all the world.

I have been there to shop in some of the finest stores in the world.

The quantity and quality of food in Las Vegas will "blow your mind."

Did I ever go there to sin? No!

I know there is no need. I can do all the sinning I want to right here in Scottsdale. There is no need to make the trip.

Is Las Vegas sin city? Only in the mind of the person calling it that.

Well is there a whole lot of sinning going on there? Yes! Just like there is in Scottsdale.

If you want to stay in one of those nice resorts. Now is the time to go. The prices are unbelievably low.

Just want to sin? Go on over if you want to. But why not just stay around home? It's a lot cheaper.

On second thought. Why not just change your reason for going? That way, what happens in Vegas doesn't have to stay in Vegas. You can come back home bragging about that "mountain" of shrimp and lobster you ate for an unbelievably low price.


bp said...

"Ican do all the sinning I want to right here in Scottsdale." This made me laugh!

Good points here! I have never been to Vegas.

SmilingSally said...

I've never been there.

You misunderstood my post. I never said that Johnny was organized. LOL

Mevely317 said...

I've not been to Vegas since '77 ~reckon it's changed?!

These days, I'm too plumb tired to sin (LOL)..... but I could sure stand some great,, inexpensive dining!

Will you and Charlotte be celebrating your 51st there this summer?

Cherdecor said...

What? Eating a mountain of shrimp and lobster is NOT sin????


We have been there several times, but did not go down where all the sin happens. We took bus tours to Hoover Dam and enjoyed the birds at the hotel. Real birds that is!

Yellow Rose Arbor said...

We've never been there. I had a chuckle from this post!
