Monday, September 07, 2009

It Happens! My old faithful computer died.

I conducted a "graveside" service for "it" today and replaced "it" with a new one.

Yes, I know there should have been a period of mourning before rushing right into a new relationship with another computer.

But I know my friends will understand and those who are not my friends don't care.

I wanted you to know why I have not commented on your excellent posts and the comments you have made on my blog.

I am back in the game. Look for my review tomorrow of Max Lucado's new book, Fearless.


Loren said...

I am sorry about your old computer and yes being your friend I COMPLETELY understand your getting a new one!!! What did you get??

Looking forward to the new review :)

Mevely317 said...

I'm right behind you, Clif! (I turn on my 'puter, say a prayer, go make a sandwich ... then by then HOPE this one will have resurrect.) I'm with Loren ... what did you get? All suggestions welcome!!!

... What on earth did we do before computers? Doesn't seem that long ago, eh?


Mary said...

Love Mevely's comment! I'm with both of son says my computer is dying a painful death, as I click hundreds of times to get it to move. It's taken me 5 years to break this one in, and now I have to start over? Mercy.

Looking forward to your review.


bp said...

Our computer messed up yesterday!
Glad you're back on!

Heart2Heart said...


No need to apologize. You were going through the grieving process with your dearly departed "friend" and getting acquainted with your new one.

Looking forward to your review of this book.

Love and Hugs ~ Kat

Robin said...

You made me smile! Glad you have a new computer! robin

Saleslady371 said...

Congratulations to you and your new computer. Hope you will be happy for many days to come.

SmilingSally said...

Buy a Mac!