Tuesday, February 02, 2010

I am intrigued by life with its many twists and turns.

We both grew up in the same home town. Graduated from the same high school. Attended the same conservative church. Graduated from the same conservative Christian college.

He did his graduate work at a very liberal university. I attended and graduated from a more conservative university but more liberal than the college where I did my undergraduate work.

I spent almost fifty years as a pastor. He spent that same number of years as a university professor.

Today I consider myself conservative politically and religiously--conservative but not an extreme conservative.

The professor describes himself as very liberal in both areas.

I guess it's the word very that puzzles me. Why very liberal. How did it happen? Why did it happen?

Is being very liberal a bad thing? Not necessarily. But it can be. It usually is! That is, it usually is--in my opinion.

I woke up this morning with a passion to know and understand. We come running or stumbling out of our homes and into "the world." What happens along the way to cause us to become liberal or conservative? What causes us grow in faith--or to lose it altogether?

Along the way. What happens? I would really like to  know.


Loren said...

Oh my! I completely agree! I want to know as well!

One day I was cutting this mans hair and he was talking about a guy he knew and played golf with. It happened to be MY BROTHER!! He literally turned around and was dumbfounded!! He said "how in the world can two people be sooo different and grow up in the same house????" I looked at him and said....
"only through the LORD."

I honestly don't know what makes some people choose their path but I know for ME, I don't want to be anywhere but near the LORD and seek to do HIS ways.

Bless you my friend...thank you for being a godly example of Christ, for glorifying HIM in ALL YOU DO!

Heart2Heart said...


Great post as always! I often wonder as well as this happens but only God in His infinite wisdom will someday reveal the mighty plans He had in all of it. Until then, may we continue to shine the light into dark places in this world.

Love and Hugs ~ Kat

Cheptoek said...

My argument and I hope it is okay that I mention this hear Clif. Is I think the problem is the two terms, conservative and liberal. I think it should be more about values rather than being wholly defined by a label. I do not know if I am making sense. I know of good Democrats who adhere to moral values and Christian social teachings which I believe are VERY important, the same values you would agree with because the person is a Christian in every sense of the word. And I know of conservatives who when I sit and discuss various issues with them I wonder what would Jesus say, if He were sitting there, to the kind of "extremism" they are advocating. I hope you get my point and more importantly I hope it was okay to share this on your blog.

SmilingSally said...

You and "The Love Doctor" have similar backgrounds? Who'd have ever thunk it?

The answer to "What happened?" is "God," and I'm glad for you that you followed Him.