Saturday, April 28, 2007
What’s so special about Saturday? I don’t know. It’s really just another day of the week. But for some reason, ever since I was a kid, I have kinda thought that Saturday was special or different.
Maybe, because when I was a kid—it was special. We went to town—which was a big thing. We didn’t go to school—which was a really big thing! We went on picnics, went fishing, and had fun in general.
When I was a teenager I went to work in a grocery store. During the week I could only work after school. But on Saturday I worked all day and into the night. That’s when the “glow” started to fade from Saturday. Oh sure, people were still going fishing, going on picnics and going to the movies—but not me, I was working. Today—even though I am retired, I still work on Saturday. I clean house on Saturdays. That kinda takes the “glow” off of Saturday as a “special” day.
Oh well, I probably wouldn’t go on a picnic (I had rather just go out on the patio) go fishing (it’s too much trouble and I like to go to Red Lobster) or go to a movie (I like to go during the week when others have to work).
But today is Saturday and for some reason it seems kinda special!
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