Saturday, March 22, 2008
There is no context that will right the wrong in Barack Obama’s pastor’s messages. What I’m referring to is his remarks from the messages that have been playing over and over on television and the radio. No context will set this right. You can carry the context back to the beginning of his messages and all the way to the end—and nothing will change. You can take the context back in his history from the beginning of his life and it will still not make his words right. They were wrong when he said them. They are wrong now and they will forever be wrong!
I have seen many black people on television trying to defend his words. In doing so, they always say, “You have to look at the context.” Context, my foot. Not this time brother. Not this time. Yes, context is important—extremely important. In fact, in trying to understand a passage of Scripture or any situation, context is one of the most important things. But context is not the pastor’s problem. He has a heart problem. Am I judging his heart? You bet I am. I’m judging his heart in the context of the words he believes and speaks.
Black liberation theology is nothing more than a man made doctrine created in the hearts of liberals. The words we need to hear are from Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, the Apostle Paul and especially JESUS, set in the context of the Old and New Testaments.
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