Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I grew up singing, “The sun shines bright in my old Kentucky home… .”

Well, I didn’t grow up in Kentucky I grew up in Oklahoma. But I sang the song anyhow. I have been to Kentucky and the sun does shine pretty bright there. And they say they have blue grass but it looks green to me. But hey, what do I know about grass?

Now I sing, “The sun shines bright in my old Arizona home… and it’s true, it really does—most of the time.

Looking out an upstairs window I see the top of an orange tree in my yard, my neighbor’s red tile roof and God’s glorious sky of blue, filled with beautiful, puffy, white clouds.


Isn’t this a great world God has made?


bp said...

It seems lately God has been showing me the amazing greatness of His Creation.

Skoots1moM said...

Today we were rather muggy, varying degrees of overcast, and the threat of late afternoon thunderstorms...
I do love His creation of thunderstorms, too, when no one gets hurt. it's been so dry lately, we've had house fires from the lightning...
I also like to see the red tile roofs againts the blue sky...

Down on the Farm said...

Every single day I am grateful for this wonderful world the Lord has made for us to enjoy. Especially the unevenful days. I love those uneventful days.

Down on the Farm said...

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