Monday, February 16, 2009
"Moral relativism is in direct opposition to a biblical world view. The basic idea of moral relativism is: What is true for you is true for you, and what is true for me is true for me.What is moral is dictated by a particular situation in light of a particular culture or social location.Moral values become a matter of personal opinion or private judgment rather than something grounded in objective truth."
Allan Bloom says that almost every student entering the university believes, or says he believes, that truth is relative.
Matters of faith are increasingly rejected in the the public sphere. A particular faith used to be wrong on the basis of what was perceived to be truth; now a faith is wrong for claiming there is truth. As Allen Bloom has wryly noted, "The true believer is the real danger."
Heaven help us!
Note: Thoughts from A Mind for God by James Emery White.
Makes my head spin! I'm glad that Jesus said, "I am the Way, the TRUTH, and the Life."
There is only one truth no matter what the world says.
One faith, one Lord, one church.
I enjoyed visiting your blog! I will be baack!
May God transform us by renewing our minds!
I drop in periodically as I enjoy your wisdom and wit. I also like your variety of "musings".
This piece coincides with my newest & latest aversion to truth-profiteering. It appears to have arrived on nearly every liberal front, and a few conservative ones as well. The public square certainly does have a dogged agenda, and it's not likely to bring glory to the Lord. Boy do we need ears to hear!
Thank you for some great posts.
Be blessed,
The only way we can know Truth, is to believe the Word of God. I enjoyed your post.
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