Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Many people love peanut butter. Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are very popular with most kids and many adults. I like peanut butter but I'm not especially fond of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
I sampled several varieties of peanut butter and finally purchased a jar of Raspberry White Chocolate. This is premium peanut butter and it is delicious. A little pricey, but delicious.
Do you like peanut butter, love it, or does it just stick to the roof of your mouth and annoy you?
I like peanut butter. As a matter of fact, after this last surgery I ate a teaspoon every once in a while just to revive my taste buds, but Raspberry White Chocolate? Sounds like a piece of candy. I like candy.
Hi Clif,
I can't say I'm a fan of peanut butter...guess I had to eat too much of it growing up! I'll take a hotdog anyday over peanut butter and jelly! LOL!
I'd like anything with raspberry.
Oh Clif, I just burst out laughing when I spotted your header!
JIF extra-crunchy ranks right up there amongst my many vices. But, I only like it ice-cold, on a soup spoon ... sans any accompliment. The JIF jar has accompanied me to Greece, and once on a cruise ship where an Australian lady exclaimed, "Oh look, you have 'peanut paste'! May I have some, too?"
I'll have to check out PB Loco one of these days!
I like it. I don't like it with jelly on a sandwich and the bread has to be really, really fresh for me to enjoy it. On toast it is fine with a tad of jelly but not much. I like peanut butter crackers. I can't imagine a peanut butter store, how creative!!
Looks like a neat store! I like peanut butter, but don't love it! I will eat a peanut butter jelly sandwich sometimes, I prefer grape jam on my PBJ sandwiches!
My kids love Reese's Cups, but that is my least favorite candy. My favorite candy is homemade chocolate peanut butter fudge!
I am way behind reading your posts, will try to catch up next week when we return.
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