Tuesday, May 25, 2010
I'm not a student at the high school just a few blocks from our home.But I get a lot of information from there almost every day.
It comes out of the mouths of the students passing by me as I walk to and from my mailbox.
Their vocabulary and mine are vastly different. I think I may have a bigger vocabulary than they do. At least I don't use the same words over and over and over again. And most importantly, my words are "cleaner" than theirs and not nearly as crude and rude.
I'm finding the same thing from some of my young people on face book.
I would give you a sampling of some recent fb postings but they are too crude for me to print.
Peggy Noonan wrote,"young people will say anything on networking sites because they're young, because no one has taught them not to, because they're being raised in a culture that has grown more exhibitionistic."
I guess my main complaint with this is that it is ignorant,rude, crude and so unnecessary.
I started to write that my young fb friends wouldn't look their mothers right in the eyes and say these things but then I thought again--yes, I believe they would. And that makes me sad.
(I do know young people who love life, talk constantly, and are a joy to be around. I respect them and hold them in highest regard. It's a joy to call them "friends.")
Thankfully the group of people my daughter hangs out with in high school are a great bunch of Christians that all attend church and are so respectful whenever they fill our home with their presence.
You are right however with some not knowing the basics of good manners yet you wonder what is really going on in the homes to cause them to either model this behavior or act out in spite. I pray for our next generation.
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
Please help me spread the word of a sister in Christ who so desperately needs help with a limited amount of time left.
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
Clif, It saddens me to say that my daughter is one of those people. I don't EVER read her facebook and surely don't have her as a friend on facebook. I don't understand this. She doesn't' talk like that in front of me, or her boys. I bring it up often and pray that she will stop writing like that. She has always had the personality that if I want one thing she does the other, so I am learning to just pray about.
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