Wednesday, April 20, 2016

11 Simple People Skills That
Will Get You Everything You Want
By Dave Kerpen

OVERVIEW: In a world where we are constantly connected, and one in which social media has become the primary way we communicate, the key to getting ahead is being the person others like, respect, and trust. Because no matter who you are or what your profession, success is contingent on not just what you can do for yourself, but on what other people are willing to do for you. Here, through 53 bite-size, easy-to-execute, and often counterintuitive tips, you'll learn to master the 11 People Skills that will get you more of what you want at work, at home, and in life.

AUTHOR: DAVE KERPEN is an entrepreneur, speaker, and bestselling author. He is the founder and CEO of Likeable Local, a social media software company, and the chairman and cofounder of Likeable Media, an award-winning content marketing firm for brands. He is among the most popular writers in LinkedIn's Influencer program, is one of the most read contributors for, and has been featured by CNBC BBC, ABC. World News Tonight, CBS's The Early Show, the New York Times, and more. Dave has keynoted conferences and webinars across the globe.

MY REVIEW: This is a book I wish I had read when I was much younger. I am thrilled to read it now. I agree with Adam Grant, Wharton professor and New York Times bestselling author, who said, "This book is like How to Win Friends and Influence People—only better suited for today's world."

I looked at the following sentence, "The single most important question you can ever ask to win attention in a meeting," and knew I didn't know what that question was. And it didn't stop there. I couldn't wait to read and think about the following: *The one simple key to networking that nobody talks about, * How to remain top of mind for thousands of people every day, *Why it usually pays to be the one to give the bad news, *How to blow off the right people, *And why, when in doubt, you should buy him a bonsai.

Bestselling author Gretchen Rubin called this book, "An invaluable resource full of practical, manageable tips for anyone who deals with people. Which, of course, is all of us." I think that's true.
Like any book, you're not going to agree with everything in it. But I believe if you buy a copy, read it and put these 11 skills into practice that you will get much of what you want.

(I received this book from Blogging For Books in exchange for a fair and honest review.)