Wednesday, May 11, 2016

A Rallying Cry for Conservative Women
By Penny Young Nance

OVERVIEW: Feisty & Feminine takes an honest and transparent look at what it means to be a conservative Christian woman, with thoughtful commentary on the real issues confronting you right now. "Today's conservative women are intelligent, well-educated, compassionate, accomplished, funny, and fearless," says Nance. The time is right for this book, and for conservative women like you to stand up, be heard, and make a difference in our nation.

AUTHOR: Penny Young Nance is the CEO and president of Concerned Women for America (CWA), the nation's largest public policy women's organization. Penny oversees more than half a million active CWA members across the country and more than four hundred CWA chapters. She is also the president of Concerned Women for America's legislative action committee and political action committee. Penny and her husband, Will, live in Fairfax, VA. with their two children.

MY REVIEW: Today's culture is desperate for the message of this book. Penny Young Nance casts the vision of women stepping forward as this generations Esthers, speaking truth in love to a troubled nation.

I love the way she makes it clear how you can be direct with your friends and family without being disrespectful, be engaging but not shallow, and be relevant to the pressing issues confronting you while still holding fast to your faith and conservative values.

In this powerful book, Nance covers it all. She writes about the devaluation of women, sexual assault and politics, marriage and true tolerance, abortion and the sanctity of life, the real war against women, the rise of Islamic extremism and the need to fight back and much more. I especially liked the way she closes the book talking about the art of balance and a vision for the future.

William J. Bennett, former secretary of education said, "Penny Nance is one of today's boldest and most outspoken conservative women of faith." Joel C. Rosenberg, New York Times bestselling author, wrote "I've known Penny Nance for twenty years, and I absolutely love her passion for Christ, her passion to advance freedom and opportunity for all Americans, and her passion to educate and empower a new generation of conservative women to help get America back on the right track."

I agree with editor, Dr. Richard G. Lee, "Often the pages of a book will reflect the personality of its author. This one fits the bill—positive, straightforward, and dynamic. A real joy to read."

(I received this book from BookLook Bloggers, A Division of Thomas Nelson Publishing in exchange for a fair and honest review.)


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