
Thursday, November 24, 2005

Today is the day that citizens of the U.S.A. observe an annual day of Thanksgiving. I am grateful for many things. I can only name a few. I am grateful....

For a Great God--- A loving, heavenly Father, for Jesus Christ our Savior and for the Holy Spirit.

For my 71st birthday, which is today, for good health and for medications that control my diabetes.

For Charlotte a devoted wife of 47 years, and for our children, Carol and Allen who have always been a blessing.

For the freedom and prosperity of our country, for the work I have had over the years, for Social Security that provides for us in our senior years, for the beauty of all that surrounds us. I would love to live long enough and have enough money to live for a year in many places all over the United States.

For Christian brothers and sisters all over the world, for the encouragement that I receive from just knowing they are there!