Thanksgiving Week

Monday, November 21, 2005

It's Monday and I'm moving slow. Must be a hangover from the years when I was preaching. I put everything I had into Sunday and so on Monday I was emotionally drained. Even though I don't do the preaching now I get so emotionally involved in the worship, especially the sermon that I feel like I am responsible for the outcome. (You know, maybe I am. If you don't put anything in, you don't get anything out.)

This is Thanksgiving week and I love it. We have so much to be thankful for. Friends are close to the top of the list. This morning we received a great E-Card from our dear friends, Paul and Bobbie Covey who live in Stockton, California. We will always remember the year they came from Stockton with two other dear friends, Bill and Sue Burnley, to spend Thanksgiving with us. It was one of our best. We had just moved to Phoenix and even though our children had come from L.A. to be with us----we were lonely. Our friends left their own famalies to come and be with us. We will never forget it! Thank God for your friends.