Just Wondering

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Why don't we just ignore the people who are upset with the word Christmas? If they don't want to say: Christmas Season, Christmas Cards, Christmas Carols, Christmas Tree then let them say Holiday or whatever they want. The majority likes Christmas so lets keep the word and march on!

Why do we make fun of fruit cake? My mother-in-law's fruit cake is wonderful. But once upon a time somebody decided that fruit cake was a joke and so it is! The same cruel joke has been played on Dan Quayle. The media made such a big deal out of one spelling mistake that from that time on Dan was considered to be a dummy.

Why does that hard, ribbon, Christmas candy cost so much? When I was a child we were poor but we always had that candy. Sure every thing is more expensive now----but that much?

Why do some members of the Church of Christ think you can have a Christmas tree in the home but not in the church building? You have a lot of things in the home that you don't have in the church building?? The building is sacred?? The building is not sacred?? It will leave the impression that you believe Jesus was born on December 25th??

Why do some Churches of Christ give their preacher's bonuses on special occasions, like their birthday, their years of service to the church, etc. but never at Christmas??

Why do I even wonder about these silly things???????????


Ben Abrahamse said...

"Why don't we just ignore the people who are upset with the word Christmas?"

I sometimes think there are more people upset with the people who are upset with the word Christmas, than people who just don't like the word Christmas!

I think it's mostly public institutions who are afraid of frivolous lawsuits. There are certainly more lawyers out there than people upset with or without the word Christmas.

Personally, I am more bothered by the way Christmas has turned into one long commercial from Thanskgiving until New Year's. You'd think the meaning of Christmas was "Buy! Buy! Buy!"