Sorry, Not Today

Monday, January 02, 2006

For almost fifty years I went to the pulpit every Sunday. I never went unprepared. NEVER!

Someone has said that many preachers give up because Sunday just keeps coming. Week after week the preacher has to be ready to stand before God and the congregation to speak the message of God. This is a tremendous responsibility. There is no time for messing around. You either are ready or you are not. Yes, it would be easy to quit because the Sundays just keep coming.

Even though I was always prepared there were Sundays that I felt like I should in all honesty go before the congregation and say, “NOT TODAY BELOVED. NOT TODAY” and then just sit down.

Well, that how I feel today about this blog. I have told my friends that all they are going to read here is what I happen to be thinking about on a particular day. If you are not interested in that (and why would you be) don’t look. Today, just the second day into the New Year I am saying, “NOT TODAY. NOT TODAY.”

I am now turning off the computer. Hopefully I will be back tomorrow.