Tuesday, May 08, 2007

My mother told me, “If you start a fight I am going to whip you. If somebody starts a fight with you and you don’t whip them, I am going to whip you.” Sounds like a lot of whipping, doesn’t it? Yea, it does and I am not saying this is a good thing to teach a child. I’m just telling you, this is the philosophy I grew up with and I can’t shake it in two areas: The war in Iraq and illegal immigration.

We will never win the war in Iraq or any war until we make up our mind to “whip” somebody. It will never be done the way we are going about it.

We will never win the “war” on illegal immigration until we make up our minds to “whip” those who are illegal.

This is tough stuff I know, but it must be done and if we are not going to do it we need to just shut up and give up.


Anonymous said...

No politician wants to get tough on these issues, they are ultra weak. Truth is folks just don't believe we have a right to remove illegals from the US. they are wrong! Wes