Tuesday, May 06, 2008
William Randolph Hearst was a “stuffaholic.” After visiting his castle in California, I like thousands of others who have visited there, said, “Wow, he sure had a lot of stuff.”
The truth is—most of us have a lot of stuff!
We almost need an exorcist to help us get rid of some of it. When we finally do get up the nerve, moxie and guts to let go of some of it, guess what? We immediately start re-stuffing.
Oh, did I mention that after collecting all that stuff for eighty-eight years, Mr. Hearst died? Yep, that’s what he did. He just up and died and left all that stuff.
Every weekend I see signs all over our area advertising stuff for sale. Happy people stand in their driveways counting their money while other smiling people load stuff into their cars. One family is getting rid of stuff and another family is re-stuffing!
My Sunday school teacher (a man of appx. 83 y/o) likes to repeat many phrases over ...and over...and over. One of the comments he makes is about stuff. He wonders why many people simply do not ever have enough. His phrase is, "I have never seen a U-Haul at a funeral home. I then, repeat my phrase that coms as a result of his phrase, "I think my late husband took some of his stuff with him. I have looked and looked and can't find some of the stuff he simply couldn't leave behind".
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