Tuesday, September 02, 2008

(Continued from yesterday)

It’s true. Charlotte has “left” me for bloging. That is—she doesn’t spend quite as much time with me as she once did. But the truth is, we are retired, we have more time together than we once did, so it’s alright. It really is!But I must, if I am going to be a good counselor, suggest to younger women that they should not try to follow Charlotte’s schedule. We have been married fifty years. This arrangement may not work until you have been together longer.

Yes, I have had some concerns. For awhile I was concerned that she was spending too much time with Mr. Linkey. Now that I have seen him in action—he is no threat to me.

The truth is—I am the one who started this whole thing. I first tried to get her to write for my blog. She said, “No.” Then I urged her to start her own blog. She said, “No.” Then she decided to try it to see if she would like it. LIKE IT? She became obsessed.

Today you can find Charlotte at:
AT HOME IN SCOTTSDALE – Here she writes about whatever happens to be on her mind. She now has bloging friends visiting from all over the world. http://athomeinscottsdale.blogspot.com/

SPIRITUAL SUNDAY – Charlotte and a relative, Ginger, started this one day a week blog for spiritual and inspirational thoughts. http://bloggerspirit.blogspot.com/

DOLLS, DOLLS, DOLLS – Charlotte is a very talented lady and this blog displays the dolls she has made. She has many other talents but I doubt if she will find the time to blog about them all. http://mydolls-charlotte.blogspot.com/

Yes, Charlotte has “left” me (in a fashion) for bloging—and I couldn’t be happier for her!



Skoots1moM said...

i've participated on her Spiritual site and didn't know ya'll were CONNECTED!
you're right, she is very talented at blogging and at finding a loving husband...your love for her exudes in your words. you're both very blessed...thank you for sharing.

Ginger~~Enchanting Cottage said...

I have been married for 18 years and feel I need to spend less time blogging and more time with my husband, well how about 50/50. The Lord has blessed the both of you.

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

Hello, I am one of Charlotte's blogging "peeps" from Buckeye AZ!
You and my husband should get together sometime....he is a blogging widower too! But, as any good counseling session goes..(pastor's wife for 20 years!)...it was HIS fault...HE started it...he has another love....Eldo...his 1982 Eldorado.... I am pretty sure he loves me more, but there are days!?!

Down on the Farm said...

You have infected me also with the BLOGGING BUG but perhaps because I am about 200 miles from you, the infection has not caused as many problems with me. I can JUST SAY NO!