Some are saying they are not going to vote for John McCain because they want to send a message to the Republican Party. This is not the time to do that! Please read the following article before voting. I have borrowed this from another blogger who borrowed it also. I realize it is very long, but please—I beg you, read it all.
I sympathize with wanting to send a message to the Republican Party.
But is this the time, when failing to vote for McCain could ultimately remove hundreds of laws limiting abortion at the statewide level—informed consent and parental consent and late term abortion measures? As a physician commenting on my last blog said, prolife physicians and nurses and hospitals could find themselves with a federal mandate to perform abortions, and lose their licenses if they refuse. The Freedom of Choice Act, which Obama promised Planned Parenthood he will sign if elected president (my previous blog has this on video), could ultimately do all this and more. It may also make life very difficult for Pregnancy Resource Centers.
Would John McCain be a great president? I don’t know. Maybe he wouldn’t even be a good president. There are so many claims by both candidates that their words seem like wind to me. I don’t feel like I know a lot. But I do know for certain that one candidate defends the right of the unborn to live, and the other is utterly committed to be sure that it remains legal to kill them. And on THAT issue I know what God says is right and wrong.
Yes, I realize Obama is cool. As I said two blogs ago, I really wanted to vote for him, so I could be cool too. John McCain is not so cool. And he’s a Republican at a time where being a Republican definitely isn’t cool. The question isn’t whether I’d rather have dinner or play golf with Obama or McCain. (I’d choose Obama.) The question isn’t whether I’d like the Republican Party to change. (I would.) I’m not voting for the Republican Party. In one sense I’m not voting mainly for John McCain. I am voting for McCain because it’s my only way in this election to vote for the right of unborn children to live rather than die.
Now, if you think that’s an overstatement, that the difference between the candidates isn’t that great, or they will not influence the future of abortion in this country, I challenge you to look at Obama’s dogged commitment to the legalized killing of unborn children, backed up by his 100% proabortion voting record. And look at McCain’s repeatedly stated commitment, also demonstrated by his voting record, to oppose the legalized killing of children. If you think your presidential vote is not for or against unborn children, you don’t understand the significance of the Freedom of Choice Act or the significance of the balance of power of the Supreme Court with the Obama judges who are certain to be pro-legal-abortion and the McCain judges who are virtually certain to be anti-legal-abortion.
My conversations with fellow Christians who are prolife but are voting for Obama have common themes these days. They always emphasize “Obama is prochoice, not proabortion.” To which I respond, “actually he is pro-legalized-abortion.” This is emphatically true, based on his own words and 100% consistent voting record. It shouldn’t be considered a matter for debate. What politician in the country is more strongly committed to legalized abortion than Obama is? Every radical proabortion group knows this, and everyone of them have been working tirelessly to get him elected.
I’ve heard other prolife people say “I don’t like either candidate, so I’m not voting at all.” Well, ask yourself who you’re willing to punish by not voting. If it’s political parties who will pay, fine, I really don’t care about them. Sure, it would be better not to vote than to vote against God’s children’s right to live. But if instead of abstaining you have a chance to vote for God’s children’s right to live, why would you not do that? (Don’t vote for the man, vote for generations of children who will have a chance to live if he’s elected, even if he’s just a mediocre president in other areas.)
Perhaps that’s why last night I wasn’t thinking about victory celebrations and balloons and confetti, and who will be wearing what, and how cool or uncool the candidates are, and how the winner will look on Inauguration Day. I was on my knees weeping for the unborn children, and for the fact that many Christians are going to vote against them. And others are going to abstain from voting for them. If every prolife Christian voter would vote for unborn children instead of against them, we would elect a prolife president who would not sign FOCA, who would appoint prolife judges instead of proabortion judges, and who would not reverse decades of gains made by the prolife movement. But right now this looks very unlikely.
And though I know it will outrage people for me to say this (and I take no pleasure in that), I believe that the blood of children will be on our hands. Yes, I think that God is already judging this nation for the blood of these children that cries out to Him from the ground (Genesis 4:10). And I believe there will be far worse judgment to come. He has always brought His wrath upon nations that kill their children. Why should He treat us differently? “Since you did not hate bloodshed, bloodshed will pursue you” (Ezekiel 35:6).
Frankly, I just don’t think enough people, Christian or not, fully realize what is at stake in this election. Be mad at the Republicans all you want. Hate big business for what they’ve done to the country. Hate the Democrats for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Despise the leadership who let this happen.
But this election is not about global warming or poverty or alternative fuels or women’s rights or your 401k or the mortgage crisis or anything else. This is about taking the United States to a place we have never been. This is about potentially electing the most liberal, socialist person to ever come this close to the presidency. One who has a public record of supporting the most inhumane abortion practices.
This is not about four years of Obama or McCain. This is about decades ahead of judges and abortion policy.
I realize there are Christians who are saying they are voting their conscience and so they are going to vote third party for the most godly candidate or they are going to write in someone else. It distresses me to see those votes wasted that could prevent the continued slaughter of millions of future children.
I’ve shared before that I said I would never vote for McCain when he won the nomination. But that was before I knew Obama would be the other candidate. I honestly do not know how anyone who believes in life cannot vote for McCain. I don’t care what any other issue is your pet issue. The implications in this election will impact this country for years and years to come.
Despise the Republicans all you want. But think beyond that to what a socialist, extremely liberal, pro-infanticide President with both houses of Congress under Democrat control will mean. Running unchecked for at least two years. If that doesn’t scare the h*ll out of you, I have no idea what would.