Friday, October 17, 2008

We call him the prodigal son. His story is told in Luke 15.

This is one of my favorite stories in the New Testament. It tells of separation from home, sin, failure, repentance, and a fantastic homecoming.

Have you ever been in the “far country?” You remember. You turned your back upon everything and ran away to a “better life” in a “better place” far from everything you had ever known. However, you may have changed your worldview and your lifestyle without ever leaving home physically.

And then one day you “wake up” and remember that it wasn’t all that bad back home. You get up out of the pig pen you are in, scrape yourself off and head back home.

When you turn down the road that leads home your dad (or maybe your mother or both) come running down that road with outstretched arms. The sun comes out; a cool breeze blows across your brow. You fall into his/her arms. You are home.

You’re wearing dirty clothes, you smell like a pig, but it’s alright. You can sit down at the table and dig in. They’re throwing a party just for you. Why? Why would they do this?

Because the father/mother loves you and that’s all that matters. YOU’RE HOME!