Monday, November 17, 2008

Sundays at our church are wonderful. I always go away from the assembly feeling uplifted and closer to God.

But there are a couple of things that happen there, that bother me like flies buzzing around a bounty laden picnic table.

One thing is when people talk all the way through the worship service. They talk during the song service, the prayers, communion and while the minister is preaching. Why? Why do they do this?

The other thing that bothers me and not all agree with me on this, is when a worship leader says, “Before you sit down, turn and greet those around you.” To me, this is “forced friendliness.” I smile and speak to people who are close to me without being told to. But the main reason this bothers me—is the hand shaking part. We don’t need to be doing this during the cold and virus season. My hands go up to my eyes several times before I have a chance to wash them.

Some feel that God will keep you healthy if you are shaking hands at church. That’s just silly! God expects us to have a little bit of sense when it comes to trying to stay well. There is a time for hand shaking, hugging and maybe even the “holy kiss,” but not on Sunday morning in a congregation of six thousand surrounded by many people you have never seen and may never see again.

Could it be that I’m just silly? It’s altogether possible. I have been before you know!


Down on the Farm said...

OH, OH, triggered...things

I too hate it when people are just simply rude! I suspect that in a church as large as the one you attend, THEY think they won't be heard. WRONG! I remember going to the Grand Old Opry in Nashville. People on stage talked among themselves when others were singing. RUDE, even tho' we, the audiance couldn't hear them. We could SEE RUDE! See what a can of worms you opened?

Shaking hands and "lovin'" on people during the welcome time is something I combat with a germ killer lotion in my purse.

I have a cold right now, gift of my BB. I went to church Sunday but warded people away from me and didn't even sing in the choir, BUT sometimes people assume they are well and then next day, BANG!, sick. Protect yourself.

Down on the Farm said...

OH, OH, triggered...things

I too hate it when people are just simply rude! I suspect that in a church as large as the one you attend, THEY think they won't be heard. WRONG! I remember going to the Grand Old Opry in Nashville. People on stage talked among themselves when others were singing. RUDE, even tho' we, the audiance couldn't hear them. We could SEE RUDE! See what a can of worms you opened?

Shaking hands and "lovin'" on people during the welcome time is something I combat with a germ killer lotion in my purse.

I have a cold right now, gift of my BB. I went to church Sunday but warded people away from me and didn't even sing in the choir, BUT sometimes people assume they are well and then next day, BANG!, sick. Protect yourself.

Down on the Farm said...

Whoops, too many clicks on a very slow computer. Sorry

Yellow Rose Arbor said...

I totally agree with you! I also have a touch of OCD! Ha-ha!

Yesterday afternoon we went to a concert at our church, a young tenor with a marvelous voice. The woman next to me hummed and sang along with him!! Yes, out of tune as well!! At intermission, we moved to another pew!

I wanted to stay afterwards to pray, but there were so many children running up and down the aisle and playing it was impossible! Why don't people give their children boundries?? Whatever happened to reverence in church??

Are we getting grumpy in our old age?! LOL!


SmilingSally said...

You are not silly. Our church does the friendly hand shake too, and I understand that some people might otherwise go all week without a touch, so it could be special for them. However, you make valid points: germs are abound, and we should be more careful. Maybe Howie Mandel has it right.

Kelly said...

Hi Clif,

I, too, cannot stand the constant talking in church. Not only do I find it incredibly rude, but I find it disrespectful as well, not only to those around them but to

As for the handshaking thing, I never really thought about it that much, because I have always had people tell me that they would just say "hello" and not shake hands if they were ill because they didn't want to spread their germs.

However, we don't have to deal with any of this at the church we are now attending. We are attending a smaller church now, and I find that we are all of one mindset. We are all focused on studying and living according to God's word. I found in our past church, which was considerably larger, that they have lost a lot of that due to trying to be more "attractive" to more people to improve their "numbers".