Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Chocolate candy and chicken enchiladas. Why this combination? Why me? Why now? I’m not a cook. I rarely, if ever cook.

I don’t know! I found myself at Fry’s Market gathering up the “stuff.”

When I go to the grocery store with my wife I rarely, if ever speak to anyone except the cashier. While I was there by myself I talked to a lot of people—got advice, gave advice.
I’m sure one lady thought I might be “hitting” on her. But at my age, who cares, as long as I don’t get arrested, or worse—picked up!

Made the fudge first. It was quick, easy and delicious.

The enchiladas required a little more work, but not a lot. I wouldn’t say they were delicious—just good. It was better than making a trip to On The Border, Carlos O’ Brian, Three Margaritas, Julio G’s, or some other cantina and grill this side of the Mexican border.

Back to my original questions—why cooking, why me? I think I was driven to the brink of insanity by all that’s going on in our country right now—the election, the economic crisis, and tons of other crud. I don’t drink. I don’t even know how to mix a drink. So I just mixed up some chocolate candy and chicken enchiladas and sat down and ate myself into a stupor!


Yellow Rose Arbor said...

Chocolate -- Good for what ails you!!

Why didn't you invite me to join you?? That's just what I need too!

Sounds delicious!


Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

You're just now figuring out chocolate and Tex Mex will do that to you? :)

Kelly said...

This sounds great! And eating yourself into a stupor is something I can relate to. I'm trying not to do so much of that unless the food is healthy. It's not easy because the unhealthy stuff always "seems" to taste better.