Tuesday, November 11, 2008

We are a forgetful people. Christ gave us what we call the Lord’s Supper or communion to help us remember his sacrifice for us. Our nation takes time on this day, Veterans’ Day, to remember those who have fought to keep us safe. Hopefully we will remember!


Help me, O God,

To understand that when objects in the rear-view mirror appear larger than they are, they appear that way not to intimidate me but to get my attention.

Help me to understand that those images looming in my memory are just trying to get me to stop, turn around, and go back to my past, to pick up something that’s back there, something that is essential for the journey I am on, something I need if I am to go on any farther.

Help me to remember the love I have received along the way, and to be remembered for the love I have given.

Help me to understand how short that journey, and slow me down so I don’t pass any of it by.

And if you grant me the grace of a long life, grant me the greater grace to always remember who I am and who it is that loves me…

Prayer by Ken Gire


moreofhim said...

Your blog is a breath of fresh air! I read several of your posts and I know that the Lord sent me your way for the encouragement I found here.

I am so thankful for the many Veterans who have served and continue to serve. Thank you for the beautiful prayer of remembrance. I hope I always apply it to my life!

God bless you ~ Julie