Saturday, November 01, 2008

(I did not write the following words. I selected them from Ken Gire’s excellent book, Windows of the Soul. They are his words, not mine, but I so strongly identify with them—they could be mine.)

Perhaps there are no greater windows of the soul than our tears.

Tears…came September 12, 1986, at 4:36 in the morning when the phone rang in the dark and I heard the words, “Dad died.”

Judy Garland singing “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” at the beginning of The Wizard of Oz, and her repeating “There’s no place like home” at the end. One or the other usually brings tears. Sometimes both.

“The Bible was written in tears,” said A.W. Tozer, “and to tears it yields its best treasures.”

My eyes moisten sometimes when I wake up before Judy does, and I see her lying there, and I realize what a joy she is to me, what wonderful memories we have shared, the laughter, the love. And lying there, watching her, I realize that someday I will wake up and she will not be on the other side of my bed, or that she will wake up and I will not be on the other side of hers. And the thought of that is too sad and too lonely to bear without the company of tears.

The closest communion with God comes, I believe, through the sacrament of tears. Just as grapes are crushed to make wine and grain to make bread, so the elements of this sacrament come from the crushing expiences of life.


Anonymous said...

This is so true. I love that book too.

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Hi Clif,
Sorry, my apologies! I did not mean to address only my sisters in the Lord; my brothers are welcome too. I'm glad you brought it to my attention as I'm always happy to hear from you also. I hope you will be able to laugh with me over my oversight!


Anonymous said...

Amen Brother Clif!


Kate said...

Dolly Parton's character in Steel Magnolias said her favorite emotion was laughter through tears. And that's kind of true, I think. Tears are so good for us, and mourning does give way to joy. If not in this life, then surely the next.



Kate said...

PS--I Love your music!


Ginger~~Enchanting Cottage said...

I can identify with these as well.
The older I get the more I cry about everything. I am glad you shared these with us. I hope all is well.
God Bless,

SmilingSally said...

I'm like Ginger--getting older and wetter. I have become more emotional as time passes. I'll hear a song, see a picture, think a thought and moist up. You can't take me anywhere!

Ruthie said...

Thanks for that post. So true.
I think the Lord gives us tears for healing. The Scriptures records that Jesus wept.


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful line this is:
"the thought of that is too sad and too lonely to bear without the company of tears." It does make me think of God's company during the best and the worst. Maybe we cry more the older we get because we get closer to Him? This is a good post. Thanks.

Kathi~Lavender, Lace and Thyme said...

You always have the most beautiful posts Clif, whether they're your writings or not, I can see you writing this yourself :). Tears are God's gift to us!

Blessings to you!
Kathi :)

Joyfull said...

Beautiful! I especially loved the last paragraph where our closest communication with God comes through our tears. Thank you for sharing.

Yellow Rose Arbor said...

Hi Clif,
Thank you for commenting on my Power of Prayer blog! I can't wait to do some catching up on your beautiful blog!

This brought tears to my eyes just reading it! I'm married to an emotional Italian, and he cries a lot! Tears are so sweet, especially with a man.

I have just posted a long message on Power of Prayer, about fasting, etc. I need to hear your thoughts on this.


God Chaser said...

Clif the word should bring us to tears when we look at what God did for us through Chris-such love should keep us in tears.

thanks for dropping by and for your honesty in the length of my posts and beleive me each week I consider how long they are. I have given thought to changing what I post to make it shorter becasue I know people don't like to read long posts sometimes I myself skim post because of their lenght but the Spirit continues to give me what I post- becasue He is teaching me and there are some who takes the time- slow down and read it and tell me they are blessed so I keep doign what the Spirit gives me. I hope to get slow down and get my posts up sooner so you and others can read on Saturday but until that happens I pray you will be able to slow down and read them becasue I would truly love to hear the thoughts of a minister. be blessed.

PS I'm glad you still check them out I thought ou had stop visiting I almost added ther word man last night just for you but changed my mind. I'm glad you are a part of Spiritual Sundays.

Anonymous said...

I have cleansed my heart on many occasions with tears. They are a relief that are a true blessing.

Joyfulsister said...

Hi Pastor Clif..
Oh the tears come easily for me as well. Tears fill my eyes when I just think about how precious our tears are to the Lord. He saves them all. I am touched by this post thank you for blessing me!!

Blessings Lorie

michelle said...

This is beautiful. I tend to cry in absolute thanksgiving and joy when I am worshiping and remembering the price at which I was bought.