Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Jackie Kendall, author of the excellent book, Free Yourself to Love--The Liberating Power of Forgiveness, wrote these interesting words about the sorority of bitterness: "The Lord allowed me to quit this sorority when I was confronted with the unresolved anger that I lived with on a daily basis. So often when my anger was aroused I would deny it and quickly bury it by moving into some project--like cleaning the kitchen floor at midnight because--guess what!--my anger produced insomnia."

She goes on to say, "I have now pledged and been accepted into a new club that has male and female members. A Club for Lovers is made up of good forgivers who aggressively deal with their anger so that they can freely forgive and be forgiven. Our club motto is "Great Forgiver = Great Lover."

(As you leave this post, drop down to my review of Jackie's book and then leave me a comment and a way to contact you so you can become eligible for a free book. Best wishes. Clif)


Skoots1moM said...

we must remind ourselves daily to be in the good forgivers sorority!!

Cherdecor said...

Oh yes, I had to forgive today. It feels good to belong to this Club!

SmilingSally said...

I need to rejoin the club.

Yellow Rose Arbor said...

Hi Clif,
Just want to say hello and tell you we are going out-of-town this coming week - spring break!

Sorority of bitterness, don't think I want to join that one!! Been there done that!!
