Saturday, March 21, 2009

It is usually either the suffering of our own or the suffering of someone we love that causes us to question God.

Why, God?...Why did you let it happen? Where were you when it happened? Where are you now?

How long will it be before you say or do something about this mess?

Talking to Job, God said, "Who is this that questions my wisdom with such ignorant words? Brace yourself like a man, because I have some questions for you" (Job 38:2-3).

"Does the rain have a father? Who gives birth to the dew? Can you direct the movements of the stars? Can you direct the sequence of the seasons or guide the Bear with her cubs across the heavens? Do you know the laws of the universe? Can you use them to regulate the earth? Can you shout to the clouds and make it rain? (Job 38:28-34).

How did you do with that quiz? That's what I thought!

Suffering makes us ask ignorant questions. I know. I have done it and I will do it again.

But in my more sober, saner moments I recognize we have A GREAT GOD.



Charlotte said...

Amen. Great post.

Ginger~~Enchanting Cottage said...

I agree with your wife,this is a great post.

Cherdecor said...

I didn't do so well on that quiz. Great post.

Dixie said...

Clif... about 7 years ago, something happened in my life that left me very angry with God. So angry that I yelled at him quite a lot for several days. Then off to confession I went... where my dear priest, Father Adolpho, to me that anyone that would get that angry with God, must have a very strong faith, and close relationship with Him. It took me a long time to understand the true meaning of his words... I haven't been angry with God since... because he is good... as always, a wonderful post.

I hope you'll drop by my French Lique blog to read about the 86 year old artist of a painting I found at Goodwill... I found my artist too... and she is a joy!

Kathleen said...

I wonder if ever we could be reminded of this too often? Just today a friend asked the "why?" question. There's rarely a good response beyond the fact that God is good.

Thank you,

Kathy said...

I think it is rare that we completely understand why a situation is allowed which causes great suffereing. I do know though, that we can be most effetive in our testimony during suffering and after difficult times in our lives. In several periods of my life I have gone through situations which were devastating. I certainly would not wish to experience those situations again but I believe I am a more effective Believer today because of those situations. Have a beautiful Sunday, Cliff...Kathy

SmilingSally said...

Recognizing the truth in these words, I'll still ask, "why?"

I once heard someone say that God could answer, "Why not?"

Saleslady371 said...

I agree with you and all the commentors above. Why ask "why" and let's praise Him who knows best. Great post.

Bab's Kitchen said...

Great message! I can realate.

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Thanks for sharing, Clif. It's a great post with a great message.


bp said...

Oh yes, I've asked those questions too. The passages from Job always make me say you're right God!

God Chaser said...

Lord I give you praise for your greatness. How right you are with these words-thanks for pointing out to us who are we to question God about such things.

I will be looking forward to your list of books. thanks. Have a wonderful SS and Monday.

Ms.Daisy said...

Reading through Job last year was hard but,oh so worth it! I've also gone through parts of Job in a Bible study a few years ago.
Now, I try not to ask the why questions - just trust in His unending love.


Joyfulsister said...

Hi Clif..
Happy Sunday!!! Boy this post I can totally relate too. I remember the days of why's and why me, when I was diagnosed with my Chronic illness, more so when they told me there was no cure for it. I remember going to the book of Job, and trying to make sense of it all. Since then I have made peace with myself, my illness and my Lord. It is no longer why me, but why not me, I may not be able to comprehend it all here on this earth, but leave it all in his hands.

Hugz Lorie

Kelly said...

This is certainly one of the ways that our humanity is displayed.

Thanks for visiting my blog today. You're right. I haven't visited you for a while, but I was unable to spend any time on the computer last week at all. I don't like when that happens because I feel like I'm out of the loop and I miss all of my blogging friends. It's nice to know that my blogging friends, like you, miss me too:)