IF GOD IS GOOD...why all this evil and suffering?

Saturday, September 05, 2009

Seeking answers to this question should turn us toward Jesus in a fresh way.

In looking for answers, I've beheld a God who says, "I have indeed seen the misery of my people in Egypt. I have heard them crying out because of their slave drivers, and I am concerned about their suffering" (Exodus 3:7). I've found great comfort in hearing God speak of a time when he could bear his people's misery no longer (see Judges 10:16). I revel in God's emphatic promise that he will make a New EARTH where he will come down to live with us, and on which "he will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain" (Revelation 21:4). Above all, in this process, I've seen Jesus.

The first physician to die of the AIDS virus in the United Kingdom was a young Christian. He contracted the disease while conducting medical research in Zimbabwe. In the last days of his life he struggled to express himself to his wife. Near the end, he couldn't talk, and had only enough strength to write the letter J. She ran through her mental dictionary, saying various words beginning with J. None was right. Finally she said, "Jesus?"

He nodded. Yes, Jesus.

Jesus filled his thoughts. That's all he wanted to say. That's all his wife needed to hear.
(This is from If God Is Good--Faith in the Midst of Suffering and Evil a new book by Randy Alcorn which I will be writing a review for September 21)


michelle said...

You always find such gems of encouragement Clif. I'm thankful to know you my friend. =]

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Dear Clif,
We often have times of questioning God, like when my best friend died of breast cancer. He knew I would miss her terribly, but He assured me that her work here was finished and He was taking her home to be with Him. I had peace after that, and I know in my heart that I will see her again someday. I learned to trust Him more after that. Thank you for your encouraging post! Have a wonderful Sunday and weekend.


Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...
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RCUBEs said...

I'm glad we have that comfort, the hope in knowing Jesus. He is our joy in this place where He doesn't belong. That's an awesome story. Blessings.

Jillian's Bella Rosa Antiques said...

That brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for sharing.

Loren said...


While I have been away this week my husband told me I received the books I won from your giveaways . :) I have really been looking forward to "God will do the rest"
and as you left comments on my blog in regards to this book you know I will be checking this one out.....I am praying this would be in my dads heart. All of this would be soo much easier if I knew HE had accepted JESUS......to know HE knew HIM and we could be in Eternity together....this is what I continually lay down.

Thankyou for sharing this precious story with us and may you and Charlotte have a precious and blessed weekend

Ginger~~Enchanting Cottage said...

That is powerful, sad, and happy!
God Bless,

Cathy said...

A beautiful post ~ Yes, we need to keep our eyes on Jesus and call on His lovely name.

Cathy said...

You music is lovely.

Ziggy Stardust said...

That is beautifully written, not another word needs to be said.

God bless you Anne

Mevely317 said...

You had my attention at the title of your post, Clif! Like a dirty little secret kept tucked away, this (question) is something I've struggled with more often than I'd like to admit. I'm definitely looking forward to your upcoming review!

BTW, thank you for the encouraging words on my post ... I was a bit nervous about going "there."
If you don't mind my asking, as a minister was your first sermon immediately following 9/11 the hardest of your career to compose? How I wish I'd have been here to benefit from listening you minister in person!

Have a wonderful Sunday!


Robin said...

Clif thank you for this post...My heart cry is that Jesus will fill my thoughts also. When he does, others need to hear about it.

Denise said...

Such a beautiful, and powerful post, bless you.

Mary said...

I can only say that this brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for sharing. "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus...there's just something about that name".


Warren Baldwin said...

Some would say he wasted his lfe when he could have been practicing in a much safer environment in the U.S. Truth is, he gave his life for Jesus serving needy people. What a great story. wb

Susan said...

We know there is no great name, Jesus!

Heart2Heart said...


Can't wait to read this review! Too often we spend our lives wasted on the things of this world, trying to find the perfect job, the perfect home, the perfect car. If we would just look to Jesus alone, it would be more than enough, it would be PERFECT!

Love and Hugs ~ Kat

nannykim said...

His presence is what means the most in anything we face and especially when we walk through the valley of death.

Ms.Daisy said...

Thank you for sharing this moving story with us today. Hope you and Charlotte have a wonderful Labor Day Holiday!


jeanne said...

Hello Cliff, you are right, we need to call out for Jesus in all we ask and do. Your posts are always a blessing. Thank you for your contribution every week.

Blessings to you and Charlotte.
