Friday, May 20, 2011
Holy BibleNew Living Translation
OVERVIEW: Mosaics are bits and pieces of stone and glass that on their own may be interesting, but only fleetingly so. From the simplest forms to the most complex, it is the combined effect of tiles arranged in their diversity that brings about something much greater than the sum of the parts. Mosaic is not merely the title for this Bible. It also describes its contents and our story as Christians, too. The purpose of this Bible is to provide a way to encounter Christ on every continent and in every century of Christian history. Why? Because when this happens, God's profound and often unexpected work on behalf of his children becomes clear in new and exciting ways. It is important to see that the body of Christ is much bigger than the small piece we each experience in our everyday lives. When the rich and varied ways in which God's people have encountered Christ become clear, a deepening sense of his presence and power will surely be the result. It's not about the individual pieces, as important as they are. It is about the whole picture that emerges when all these pieces come together to form the beautiful mosaic that is God's church.
Note: I am an independent book reviewer and was not asked to review this Bible. I received my copy from Tyndale House Publishers by submitting my name to the company. I was pleased to be a winner of this splendid Bible. As I said, I have many Bibles and did not need another one. I am happy to have this one and will use it often.
This Bible sounds like a winner, Clif.
Our pastor said yesterday that when folks ask him which translation he prefers, he tells them the one they use to transform their lives.
(good answer, huh?)
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