How God Lifts the Pain of Worthlessness & Rejection
By Edward T. Welch
OVERVIEW: In Shame Interrupted Edward T. Welch shows how shame controls far too many of us. Worthless, inferior, rejected, weak, humiliated, all adds up to wishing we could get away from others and hide. We know what shame feels like. The way out is harder to find. Time doesn't help, neither does confession, because shame is just as often from what others do to you as it is from what you have done. But the Bible is about shame from start to finish, and, if we are willing, God's beautiful words break through. Look at Jesus through the lens of shame and see how the marginalized and worthless are his favorites and become his people. God cares for the shamed. Through Jesus you are covered, adopted, cleansed, and healed.
AUTHOR: Edward T. Welch, MDiv, PhD, is a licensed psychologist and faculty member at the Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation. He has counseled for over thirty years and is the best-selling author of many books including When People Are Big and God Is Small; Addictions; Depression; Running Scared; and What Do You Think of Me? Why do I Care? He and his wife Sheri have two married daughters and four grandchildren.
MY REVIEW: I like the words of Mike Wikerson, Pastor and Director of Biblical Counseling at Mars Hill Church, so much that I want to begin my review with them: "Ed Welch finds us hiding in our shame and draws us out to be re-clothed by Christ. he surprises us again with the deep relevance of God's Word—even Leviticus—to the secret fears that dominate our daily lives. This brutally honest book is for everyone." His last sentence, "This brutally honest book is for everyone" is so true!
It seems like almost all of us—as long as we are alive, are going to struggle with shame and guilt. This is why I think Edward Welch has blessed us by writing this book. This is an extremely difficult subject. But Welch has written a thorough, practical, down to earth treatment that is helpful to all struggling with this subject. This book will draw you closer to Jesus and help you to appreciate and love Him more as you consider how He died on the cross for you and freed you from the paralyzing effects of sin.
The message of this book is one of hope and healing.
(I want to thank The B & B Media Group for giving me this book without any promise of a favorable review.)
I need this book badly, at this point in my life... Thank you so much!
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