THE 3 - MINUTE DIFFERENCE Alter Your Health, Money, and Relationships Without Changing Who You Are
By Wayne E. Nance
with William Hendricks and J. Keet Lewis
OVERVIEW: The Real Life Management system, outlined in this book, centers on the 3 - Minute Survey. It will help you identify your core attitudes and then identify weaknesses, avoid faulty choices, and stay focused on your self-improvement goals. The 3 - Minute Difference gives you the tools you need to make permanent alteration in your life. Just ask the 50,000 + people who have already tried it!
AUTHORS: WAYNE E. NANCE is the President and CEO of Real Life Management Inc., a company dedicated to providing the education that has not been adequately taught in schools, churches, or families on health, finance, relationship building and how they are related. WILLIAM HENDRICKS is president of The Giftedness Center, a Dallas-based consulting firm specializing in organizational effectiveness and strategic people management. J KEET LEWIS is an inventor, entrepreneur, international management and marketing consultant, CEO coach, speaker, and trainer.
MY REVIEW: I agree with Tom Ziglar, President & CEO Ziglar who said, "The 3-Minute Difference is a fantastic book that hits the 'attitude' nail on the head and is perfect for people who want more success in their personal, family, business, and spiritual lives." This is so true. But it is only true for those who really do want it! You can read this excellent book and not gain a thing from it if you do not really want to do what it takes to change. This is a good book but there's no magic in it. What this book does is give you the tools necessary for making permanent alteration in your life. I am retired and need to do many repair jobs around the house. It has taken me years to learn that having the right tools for the job is an absolute necessity. These authors have put together in this book all the tools that are necessary. It will be up to the reader to carry through to the end.
Years ago, Wayne E. Nance was out of control. An incessant smoker, he weighed 315 pounds. His marriage was disintegrating and his finances were bottoming out. He finally realized that obesity, debt, and relationship meltdown were surface problems resulting from his core attitudes and beliefs. He found a way to bring his life back into balance. Today, Wayne is The Real Life Attitude Guy. His true success story includes losing more than 100 pounds, paying off more than $40,000 of credit card debt, and staying happily married for more than 35 years
I recommend this book to all who really want to make alterations in their life.
( This book was given to me free for this review by The B & B Media Group, Inc.)