Thursday, June 09, 2016

Letting Go of Expectations and Grasping
God's Adventure for You
By Grace Thornton

OVERVIEW: In I Don’t Wait Anymore, Grace Thornton challenges readers to find their calling and purpose from God and go after it with completely committed hearts. Have you been waiting for life to turn out the way you expected? 
You’re not alone.
There are lots of us out there who feel that way. Grace Thornton is one. She had dreams, plans, and ideas for what life should look like. For one, she thought she’d be married. She thought she’d have kids. She thought God would bring her the life she’d been waiting for because she knew He was good and she tried to be obedient.
But that’s not what happened. Not at all.
So she found herself wrestling with God. Who is He if He doesn’t bring along the life, husband, and 2.5 kids she thought He was supposed to? And where should she go from there?
When she got brutally honest with herself and asked the hard question, “Why do I think the world has more to offer than God does?” the answer was stunning. Her honesty led to the path God had for her. One that would write a story for her life that was even better than the one she had dreamed for herself.
This positive and encouraging book offers inspiration to anyone who wants to live a fulfilling life right now. Grace decided to let go of her expectations of the way life “should be” and grasp God’s hand for the adventure He had for her. You can too.
AUTHOR: Grace Thornton loves a good story. She believes that God writes the best stories, even when our lives may not look anything like what we imagined. As a storyteller and blogger, Grace has found her narrative taking her all over the world. She’s passionate about knowing God through His Word and encouraging others to discover Him and let Him write the story of their lives too. Her blog, gracefortheroad.com, received more than 2 million visits after her post “I Don’t Wait Anymore,” on living fully as a single person, went viral in 2012.

MY REVIEW: It seems like I have been waiting all my life for life to be as it "should be." This positive and encouraging book has helped me to start living a fulfilling life right now and stop waiting for something else. Grace Thornton has inspired me to grasp the adventure God has for me. I think her book will help you too.

I agree with Matt Matson, Senior Pastor of The Church at Brook Hills who said: "There's something about a story that helps truth to sink in. Grace invites us into an intimate journey of faith. Page by page, she leads the reader to the greatness and beauty of the God who is near and sovereign and satisfying. Read and let your roots sink deep into realities that will not only hold you fast when life hurts but will equip you to live for the glory of God."

I like that on the opening page she quotes Jeremiah 29:13 "You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart." As a result of reading Grace's book and a recommendation found on her blog, I am now reading ten chapters of the Bible every day. I'm on an adventure with God.

(I received this book from BookLook Bloggers A Division of Thomas Nelson Publishing in exchange for a fair and honest review.)