Thursday, November 02, 2006

The real question is not, “Can you tell a joke?” but “Can you tell a joke right?” That is, can you tell a joke so it is funny?

Senator John Kerry cannot tell a joke!

My sister-in-law could not tell a joke. She rarely ever tried. My brother and I were shocked one day when out of the blue she asked, “Do you know what the Indian said when his dog fell over the cliff?” We smiled at each other and admitted we didn’t know. She quickly blurted out, “Dead dog!” “Dead dog?” what’s funny about that?” Now she was shocked. “Oh, I meant to say, Dog gone!”

I never heard her tell another joke.

John Kerry needs to learn a lesson from my sister-in-law. However, her misfire was funnier than if she had told the joke the right way. John Kerry’s failure at joke telling was a disaster.