Thursday, November 09, 2006
My wife and I never get colds. But a few days ago I guess she decided it was time. She has had a terrible cold this week and I have really felt sorry for her. Oh, she’s tough. She doesn’t complain a lot but she looks like “something the dogs drug up.” I wanted to help her but there wasn’t much I could do except a few domestic chores, etc. I just sat across from her and stared.
Yesterday it hit me. I feel like _ _ _ _!
When I’m sick I complain a lot! I mean a lot. I groan and moan and then groan some more. Does it do any good? Oh no, I still feel like _ _ _ _ but I do it anyhow. This will go on for about two more days and then I will be well. At least, that’s the way it has been in the past.
If I don’t make it I will have my tough wife send out an announcement to the one or two people who might care.
POOR BABY!!!!! My husband was not an empathetic man. One day when I was not doing well I told him, "At least you can say Poor Baby to me". These days, everyone in my family say to each other when someone is not doing well, POOR BABY. So to you and your sweet wife, here is a POOR BABY for each of you.
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