Wednesday, November 15, 2006

America should never, never have gone to war if we did not have the will to win.

It seems that we do not have the will to win!

No one believes that America lacks the power to defeat this insurgency if it wants to.

We sent our soldiers to war to hold the enemy at bay (away from America). They are dieing every day performing this job. We did not send them to kill the enemy, win the war and come home. The only way to win the war is by force—a lot of people have to die.

We should admit that if we are not going to use a lot of force, we should give up, shut up and come home.

Will the enemy then, come here and kill us? YES!


Anonymous said...

I am with you Clif. It is a sad day when Americans lose sight of the importance of keeping our enemies at bay. I think George Bush knew that his support of the war would eventually wain, but sure accomplished a lot during the time we had!
